Xavier is all about the details. He enjoys photographing the rings, shoes, and special items that our couples often include in their detail box. He is the "light tester" and the one who keeps family formals on track. 

He's also the ultimate hype man and he makes my ideas come to life. 


2nd shooter | Detail strategist

I stepped into a small business degree because it combined everything I loved doing: interacting with people, photography, writing, and design. Running a business has its ups and downs, but getting to work with people and photograph their beautiful lives is something I never want to take for granted.


lead shooter | business manager

Not only is Samantha my sister and one of our brides, but she is also our social media manager! 

Samantha lives with her husband, Preston, in a cozy cabin in the woods. She works with children who have extra learning needs and her heart is to love and serve Christ. 


social media manager

Our story 

we're day dreamers and night thinkers. We love telling stories.

It wasn't exactly love at first sight. We met at a camp in northern Michigan in 2012, but I don't think we talked at all that summer. Xav was the quiet punk who made all his statements through his hairstyle and clothes (i.e. metal band shirts, a blonde mohawk, and a handlebar mustache). I was the homeschooled goofball who always had the last laugh (i.e. literally rolling on the floor laughing ALWAYS). We both thought the other one was obnoxious... and we were both right.

After camp ended, Xav started coming to my church and we struck up an unlikely friendship (unlikely - because I kind of ignored him whenever I saw him in person).  We started texting, then talking on the phone. I loved how genuine Xav was and how he would literally ask me anything. Then Xav went on a mission trip and we didn't talk for a week (important side not: he also happened to shave his beard at the same time). Suddenly, the guy I had been ignoring, friend-zoning, and slowly but surely falling for was also super adorable. Thankfully he had caught feelings too. We got married in August of 2015 and have been working together since before that! He is my sweetheart, my hero, my best friend, and the best second shooter.

Our son, Felix, was born in 2021 and is the most wonderful, bright-eyed little boy. Being a mom has given me a renewed passion for capturing all the moments!

We look forward to hearing your story! 



family time

Together is our favorite place to be. I am so incredibly blessed that I get to work from home and be with Felix while Xav works his day job as a Research Scientist (did you know he spent 10 years in college and came out with a PhD? He doesn't like to talk about it, but he worked really hard in school and I'm immensely proud of him!). In the evening, when Xav gets home from work, our favorite thing to do is plop down as a family in the play room. Watching Felix learn and encouraging him to play, read, and dance is such a joy! Seeing the world through his eyes is so beautiful. We are always joined in the playroom by our small zoo of pets who all see the floor time as an opportunity for cuddles. Our rescue dog, Shuri and our two cats, Gamora and Nebula, are all extremely sweet with Felix and he absolutely adores them. We are blessed to live in the same state as most of our family and we love any opportunity we get to see them.

Our lovely family photos were taken by our brother in law, Preston Baker. 



game nights

Every since I met Xav, I've known about his love of board games. I thought I was a board game person and then I started playing with him. Xavier's grandpa was ranked #6 in North America for playing Scrabble. Game nights are intense but oh so fun! One of our favorite ways to relax after Felix goes to bed is to get a treat and play a game together. We also love puzzles and we are excited to teach Felix all about games and puzzles as he grows up. This is an open invitation to all of our clients: if you're up for playing board games, we will feed you dinner!




Xav and I have loved adventuring together and we've managed to see the most epic places while staying on budget! I am so thankful for the opportunities we have had to visit Prince Edward Island, the Grand Canyon, Colorado Hot Springs, Alaska, and Hawaii. We aren't afraid of a hike and we will camp literally anywhere (including on a snow bank above a river). We've lived in New Mexico and LA for a few months each and that experience cultivated a deep appreciation for the lovely seasons we get in the Midwest. It even helped me to somewhat appreciate the role of winter ;) 

It's been a blast to get to bring Felix on our most recent adventures and we are eager to plan our next one. If you have suggestions for places we should go, let us know... bonus points if we get to photograph you there!



good food

One of our favorite wedding experiences was when we showed up to a reception and found Qdoba being brought in for dinner. Good food brings people together and creates an atmosphere for rich conversations, epic board game nights, wonderful wedding receptions, and lasting memories. 

It is always a wedding day highlight when couples choose to bring in their favorite desserts, restaurants, and coffee as their reception catering. 



looking at our old photos

Every night when we are in bed, right before we turn off the light, we look at old photos together. Usually they are photos from the day and Google memories but sometimes we look up a specific time and re-live memories from that time period. We love laughing about our dating memories and we revisit our our wedding photos several times a year. Felix's baby photos always make us swoon and we always say "awh he was so tinyyyy" when we see how different he was a year ago. Time flies and I am so thankful that there are specific moments that I can keep in a photo. 



celebrating little wins

Xav and I were foster parents for 22 months during "the covid years". We spent most of that time in our house and with very limited in-person human interaction to protect our foster child's health. Those years taught us more than we could have ever known they would teach us, including how to celebrate! We had spring parties, reading celebrations, just-because tea parties, random picnics, and lots of game nights. Slowing down and walking slowly through every moment was often really hard. But it was also beautiful. 

There was a savoring of everything good because we were fighting against so much darkness. 

Xav is still way more likely to get me "just because" flowers than he is to get me flowers on a predicable occasion. Looking for things to celebrate is something we still cherish.