Family Photography, Our Love Story, Personal, Wedding Photography

November 20, 2015

Brumwell Town. Founded 8.22.15

As our wedding day drifts further into the past, I am starting to realize the importance of small things. It’s crazy that we’ve been married for 89 days. It sounds like so many days… and yet, those days have been strung together into weeks and those weeks into months of work and school and a million other things which have overall kept us very busy and have made the time F L Y. I remember coming back to the apartment for the first time after the honeymoon and feeling uncomfortable with the thought of calling it “home”. It was piled high with gifts and cards and “to do” lists and boxes and it was so far away from Perry. After almost three months of being here, all 600ish sq ft of this place have been slowly earning the title “home” and it has found a special place in my heart. I see that home truly is based more on the people living there than the place itself, but there is also a sweetness in not despising the day of small things. There have been so many funny, silly, awe-inspiring, lesson-learned, happy, and dramatic moments in our little Bumwell Town that I decided, for my own sake more than anything, that it would be nice to have a place to record some of those small but dear things. (I tried to resurrect my older blogs and I was having a hard time with it both mentally and logistically because they are connected to my old email and google account. It just wasn’t happening). All that to say, I’m excited for this outlet, I’ve wanted to write some longer life posts lately but have felt like doing that on Instagram is too much work (I have fat thumbs).

Thanks for visiting Brumwell Town, come back soon!
