Our Love Story, Personal, Travel

January 17, 2016

Our Honeymoon Part 2

I figured it was about time to post the rest of our honeymoon adventures so that we don’t forget too much about it or have just part one existing forever alone (to read part one click here).

We mostly hung out around Crystal Lake and Frankfort during our week up north, but we also took two day trips while we were halfway there. We went to Traverse City for a day and Mackinac Island for a day also. It was cold and rainy for most of the week, but we didn’t let that stop us from exploring the area around the cottage and Xavier even went swimming a few times. I loved all the sweet putt putt courses we tried out and all the epic ice cream parlors! I really had to be intentional to take pictures all week because I knew I would want to have them later but it was hard to drag my camera all over. Xavier ended up carrying it more than I did, but I am so glad I brought it.

We got to see so many lovely places… northern Michigan was breathtakingly beautiful. (Aka hiking with my camera on Xav’s back paid off!)

Looking at these pictures below makes me remember how spoiled we were with food! So many fun gift cards to amazing places that we totally wouldn’t have been able to go to on our own. Literally… ice cream every. single. day. And yes, we reheated our leftovers over a fire by the beach.

Putt putt and puzzles are some of our favorite activities. And we decided since we are adults we can do what we want… so we did puzzles and putt putt 🙂


We thought we could conquer the dunes but on the way back from the lake we could hardly move from so much hiking. Also can I just say XAV IS CRAZY HANDSOME!


Biking around Mackinac was one of our absolute favorite things from the whole trip. It was wild, fun and kind of super scary at times, but we loved it.



We played with long exposures while sitting around our campfire. This photo below is one of the coolest pictures I’ve ever accidentally taken.



I had never been to a drive in theater before but there was a really neat one by our cottage so we loaded the car with root beer, snacks and blankets and watched movies all night under the cloudy sky. It was so special and so much fun!!

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Starbucks gift cards allowed us to act like babes all week… we made sure to do our best duck faces every time we went. We make good basic white girls.


The whole week went by in a blur (pun intended because despite the blurriness… this picture gives me all the feels. We were sitting at the counter, doing a puzzle, watching Parks and Rec and it was so cozy and happy).


Seeing our rings all together stills makes me smile


Our wedding was made possible only because we had so much love and support from our friends and family and the same is true for our honeymoon. By far the sweetest and most treasured week of our lives. I am forever thankful for both of our parents who put so much thought and effort into making it so special.
