Foster Care, Personal

July 12, 2019

Nursery Tour

As we await winter placements, putting together our nursery has been a work in progress. We have been so blessed by people who have offered resources, given generous and thoughtful gifts, and even searched out and delivered a dresser to us! I thought it would be fun to show a little preview of everything all put together since so many people have been a part of this process.

Xav and I really wanted to make this space intentional, functional, and peaceful for any children that get placed with us. We chose mostly white and/or compact furniture since the space is small (plus, we’ve heard that white is a great canvas for crayon drawings… so I’m sure the kiddos will love that ;).

For one of our in home date nights, we decided to use some blank canvases I had in my office to create wall art for the kids room. Xav painted one half of the heart and I painted the other. I love how the whole piece came together and how it pops off the blue wall my siblings graciously painted. Seeing everything in its place and waiting makes my heart ache… half the ache is from thankfulness for our tribe who have all loved on us so well… and half the ache comes from thinking about the little people that will sleep in these beds, ride in these car seats, and cry into these stuffed animals. How I wish there wasn’t a need for foster care and the painful separation of families.


We’ve had several people ask us how we are preparing for placements when the details of our license are so broad… I’ll be honest, it’s hard. Essentially, we are trying to get the basics of what we might need for anything from newborn-five years old. We will likely be making a lot of last minute purchases once we get our first placement, but in the meantime, if you’re interested in helping us continue to prepare, here is a link to our registry.
