Our Love Story, Personal, Travel

July 29, 2019

Fave Dates with Xav

Three years ago, I blogged about some of our favorite and cheap date nights. Living out of an Airbnb for the past several weeks has changed our date routine quite a bit. Besides hiking and the zoo, here are our current favorite things to do for date night.

1. Ice cream. It probably doesn’t need to be said, but ice cream date nights are our favorite… and they happen almost every night. Whether we go to Chick-Fil-A for a strawberry shake or grab a carton from Walmart, ice cream is somehow more delicious (and obviously extra important) while living in the desert.

2. Pokemon GO! I realize this sounds SUPER goofy since Pokemon GO was popular for like thirteen seconds over three years ago… but Xav has still been enjoying it and since I want to spend time with him, I decided it was worth looking like a goof. We have gone on more walks, have had an excuse to get out, and it is yet another reason to laugh at ourselves.

3. Tennis. Xav wanted to bring our tennis rackets and our old tennis balls to New Mexico “just in case” we found a place to play. Surprisingly, we found some really nice courts only a half mile from our Airbnb. In the evenings, once everyone gets home from work and starts making dinner, the Airbnb gets a little cramped. It has been super nice to get out of the house to play tennis. BONUS… our old tennis balls benefitted from the higher altitude and seem brand new and bouncy again.

4. Cat training. Because we brought Gamora and Nebula with us to New Mexico, they are one of our main sources of entertainment… we’ve been bringing them into the courtyard at night and trying to get them to run around. They’ve become lazy bums and instead of running, they just roll around in the dirt and meow at the door until we let them back inside.

5. Board games. Xav brought two board games to New Mexico and together they weigh about 35 pounds and take up half of our 200 sq ft room when set up. So needless to say, playing them takes up quite a bit of time. I’m *thankfully* getting more comfortable with the thousands of rules and it has been a common “go-to” date night for us.
