Wedding Photography

January 7, 2020

Best of 2019: Most Emotional Moments

Today we are beginning our 2019 best of the best wedding recap! Xav and I always talk about the things that stood out to us from each wedding and now we get to share our favorites from this year!! We have complied images for over a dozen categories this year and there are so many fantastic moments that we are looking forward to revealing. Today’s category though is probably our favorite because we always love candid moments most!!

Our first wedding of the year brought us this emotional moment when Megan’s mom saw her all dressed and ready to get married. The tearful giggles would not be stopped. These two have such a special bond and it was so sweet to capture this reaction!

Another super sweet mommy moment came during Gerry and Ashley’s wedding when Gerry danced with his mom at the reception. They both were beaming from ear to ear!

Nicole surprised her dad with these custom cuff links that said, “Dad, I loved you first <3 Nicole”… They both were blinking back tears and the adoring smiles between the two of them said so much!

Afton descended the staircase to show her bridesmaids and her parents her final look before she walked through the yard to get married. Their squeals of joy as her dad embraced here were so precious.

Sierra opened a note from her mom just moments before she put on her wedding dress. It made them both super emotional and Sierra ran into a giant bear hug.

Adam was so happy to see Emily walking down the aisle. Even after a first look, he was still wiping away tears as she came towards him. Such a tender moment!

Right after Savannah and Bruce were pronounced Mr and Mrs, they joined their bridal party for hugs and congratulations. Savannah’s sister, Ellie, was elated and so excited to see the rings on her sister’s finger. The pure joy was radiant!

Courtney really wanted a first look with her dad and I am so glad we were able to make it happen! I’m sure it is a moment that the two of them will remember for a long time.

I honestly don’t remember who gave who the letter… but Aubrey and her mom were both sobbing and taking turns reading back and forth between the tears. They kept laughing at how much they were crying and it was beautiful to see their love.

After a morning that could have made any bride disgruntled, Kim was simply bursting with joy to be married! She skipped and laughed all the way down the aisle and her happiness was infectious!

Taylor’s look as her dad gave her away was so raw and touching! Everyone was crying after this moment.

Zach hugging Lisa’s dad just screams “Thank you! I will take good care of her”… My favorite part of this moment though was that Zach’s dad (the officiant) had so much love and pride in his eyes as he watched.

Evan and Erin were so happy to get married that the uncooperative ring ceremony made them both burst into laughter!

Allie wanted to do a first look with her bridesmaids and their reaction was GOLD! They were all crying and screaming and telling her how amazing she looked.

Kristen’s ladies were elated and so supportive! They braved some intense weather with the best attitudes and this moment was one of my all time favorites… we were laughing about a Parks and Rec moment together!

I’m not sure if it is because we are on the cusp of becoming foster parents, but I’m now realizing that so many of my favorite emotional moments from the year involved the parents of our couples! From the tears to the uncontrollable laughter, this year was very emotional and we loved it all!

More best of 2019 coming soon!
