Wedding Photography

February 20, 2020

Best of 2019: Dresses

All my brides know, I am obsessed with wedding dresses! Whenever I get a pre-wedding sneak peek of the dress, I feel like squealing! Picking my top dresses of the year was incredibly hard because I loved each one SO much… but these four were especially unique and special to me.

Megan’s dress was stunning and so perfect for winter! I loved the elegant shape and the sleeves, but my favorite detail was the swooping back and the buttons!! It photographed really well because of how flowy the material was and I loved the tiny belt that added just a touch of bling.

Aubrey’s dress was one of the most unique dresses I have ever seen. Not only did it have *the flow* that stops me in my tracks, but the back detail and the lace was incredible!! It was perfect for Aubrey and perfect for summer and PERFECT for twirling!!

Courtney’s dress was so soft and fluffy and dreammyyyyyy. I loved everything about the layers and layers of tulle and the slight cream tint to it! I think I made Courtney spin and twirl 50 times because of how amazingly her dress moved! (She gladly obliged)

Rick and Allie got married at the very tail end of summer/beginning of fall and her dress was pure perfection! Look at the flowwwww of this skirt! The top of the dress was so detailed and stunning, but the way the skirt fanned out made Allie look like a real fairy-tale princess!

Now that I am looking at these dresses, I guess I’m a sucker for dresses that photograph movement well šŸ˜‰ Go figure! Fluffy, romantic, and elegant dresses are my jam but when they flow and twirl well I get extra extra hyper… be warned though. If you wear a twirly dress on your wedding day, you will be twirling A LOT šŸ™‚
