Wedding Photography

January 19, 2021

From the vault: Best of Weddings | the Celebration Run

Weddings have always been incredibly special to witness, but now I love them even more. Last year really opened my eyes to how much the vows to love “in sickness and in health” means to a marriage. Despite covid cancellations and changes, we still got to capture a few micro weddings in 2020 and it was truly such a joy to witness these marriages beginning. This upcoming year is already pretty full of wedding plans and I’m excited that I don’t have much of a break this winter!

I’ve been reflecting on some of the best parts of a wedding and we always love celebration runs! Some couples choose to use a celebration run to end their night. Running through a tunnel of cheering people while you escape into the night is a super fun capstone. Other couples choose to run down the aisle after they are announced Mr. and Mrs. and use that as their celebration run.

Here are a few of our favorite exits from the vault! I’m excited to share more of the weddings we got to experience last year here soon as well.

Bruce and Savannah exited from their backyard party in 2019 just as the sun was setting. (You can see more of their amazing wedding day here.) They chose confetti for their family and friends to throw as they left their wedding and everyone worked together to get it set up. The guests all trusted me and then waited until I gave the signal to toss the confetti. It was so epic!!

Zach and Lisa chose to have a bubble celebration run after their ceremony! The guests got bubbles as they arrived to sit down and then as soon as Zach and Lisa were announced Mr. and Mrs., the bubbles began to flow!

Evan and Erin’s reception celebration run was super sparkly! We handed out sparklers to their guests and instructed everyone where to stand. We had some help from the super awesome party bus driver who lit the scene enough for everyone to get in place without tripping in the dark. At the right moment, all the sparklers got lit and Evan and Erin (and Evan’s socks) made their grand exit into the night!
