Family Photography, Our Love Story, Personal

December 10, 2021

Felix | Two Months

And just like that Felix is two months old! He gained EPIC thighs this month, lost most of his dark hair, grew eyebrows (I think he has one Xav eyebrow and one Em eyebrow), and he started smiling when he recognizes someone. At Felix’s 6 week midwife appointment, he was 11lbs 4oz and he ran his first 5k for Thanksgiving ;). Throughout this month, Felix has been a champ with all of the changes. We moved when he was 5 weeks old and it took him a few days to adjust to the new house and then I switched everything up on him again by moving him to his crib. Some nights he sleeps great and other nights, he wants to party until 1am and still wake up for the day at 5am. I want to bottle everything up and remember it because it is going so fast. Here are his two month photos, Christmas photos, and my top favorite phone photos from his second month <3
