Family Photography, Personal

January 12, 2022

Felix | Three Months

This was the month of discovering Felix’s personality! More and more he becomes his own little person with likes and dislikes. He is hilarious and sweet and he loves to be with his mom and dad. Xav is Felix’s favorite person and it is so sweet to watch them play together. This month, we got to witness Xavier’s official graduation from his PhD program together and celebrate Christmas with family. We also got to spend some precious days with friends. Felix did great with all the excitement, but definitely needed some time to rest and chill after the holidays. Xavier was able to have two weeks off over Christmas and we loved having him home! Felix seems to be going through his four month sleep regression a couple of weeks early. We have been doing lots of naps in the baby carrier and getting lots of sleepy snuggles. We keep joking that he doesn’t want to sleep because he just wants to hang out with us, but I think it actually might be true.

Over the break, Xavier finished the sweater he has been knitting for Felix and it was just in time for Christmas. We also got to put Felix in Xavier’s old Christmas outfit from when he was a baby! I love these moments. Felix has the most expressive eyebrows and has started making so many cute and funny faces and sounds… he even mimics Xav sometimes! His new skills are blowing bubbles, grabbing toys with his hands, and rolling over (but only when I’m not taking pictures of course). He loves the bath, the baby carrier, and milk. I love this little boy and getting to be a part of his growth is such a treasure <3
