
April 7, 2022

Goodbye Instagram

When I started posting on Instagram eight years ago, I had no idea where it would go. The thought of having over 700 “friends” would have blown my mind. I was happy posting blurry photos of Hamburger Helper and my siblings and never worried if what I was posting was on brand. I didn’t waste any time scrolling through home renovations or funny reels because the only people I followed were my 12 close friends and none of the extra stuff existed back then. It is wild to see how Instagram took over my life and how sneakily it penetrated my heart. I’m excited to be done with the emptiness of it, but also sad at the loss of connections and memories. I ended up sending my posts to Chatbooks to have them printed and I’m thankful that there is a way to capture the years of journaling and photos that I put on Insta. I’m also thankful for a blog where I can keep journaling and for a patient husband who has gently encouraged me to make this move for a long time. I have several people on my list already for family photo date updates, but if you want to be on my new blog post list, here is the subscription form! I hope I can have more meaningful conversations and connections with people in real life <3
