Personal, Travel

April 29, 2022

Felix in Florida

Xavier and I have enjoyed traveling on a budget for the whole of our marriage. From packing our two door car and driving over 1300 miles to camp on the red shores of Prince Edward Island, to hiking endless miles with Walmart boots in Colorado, and sleeping in the back of a minivan in Hawaii, we have loved adventuring together and seeing beautiful places. We knew having a baby would significantly change our lives, but we want to continue exploring if possible. With a significant amount of airline miles and a need for sunshine, we decided to try our first family adventure to Florida in the waning weeks of Michigan winter. Excitingly, Xav’s brother, Silas, and his wife, Kailey, were able to come with us! With four adults and one 6 month old, I figured we would have enough hands. I don’t know how we would have made it through the airport without their help! Felix did amazing on both flights and slept for most of them. I was so thankful! He also did amazing going with the flow while we were in Florida. We definitely took it slower than most of our previous trips, but we still got to have many fun adventures including night mini golf, beach days, and a garden and aquarium trip. We enjoyed the adorable Airbnb and amazing weather! I am so glad we got to take this adventure with our little buddy and we can’t wait to show him more of the world in the future. Here are some of my favorite camera and phone photos from the trip! Thanks to Kailey for the pics of all three of us together on the beach <3
