Family Photography, Personal

June 8, 2022

Felix | Eight Months

Our happy guy continues to get goofier and, despite not loving sleep or big people food, he is growing like crazy and we are so thankful! This month, Felix had his first fever and cold, attended his first wedding, went on his first bike ride, saw his first rainbow, swung on Grandma’s swing set for the first time, and got to meet Uncle Ben. It was a joy to experience my first Mother’s Day with Felix in my arms. He started sitting up for longer and rolling around even faster. We decided to part his hair the opposite direction this month to try to work with his crazy cowlicks, we will see where that goes. He still has no teeth and no signs of crawling, but it doesn’t stop him from getting where he wants to go. It was a wild month of wedding prep for Samantha’s wedding, and Felix did amazing going with the flow and napping in the car back and forth to Lansing. This baby is growing so fast and we are obsessed with this life with him and absolutely in love with watching the daily process of him learning and changing.
