Wedding Photography

October 14, 2022

Joe + Ellie | Romantic Autumn Wedding

Sometimes I think my wedding season is done for the year and then I remember that I get a lot of clients with short engagements! Joe and Ellie take the cake for quickest wedding planning so far! When Ellie contacted me two months ago, I was thrilled that she wanted me to capture her October wedding and I sent over a preliminary timeline to help her start planning. I usually finalize wedding timelines a few weeks before the big day and when I reached out to ask my final timeline questions, I found that Ellie had planned the whole day with the original timeline – A DREAM!MMM It seriously made everything so smooth and easy!

Ellie had a super sweet first look with her dad before she saw her groom. During the first looks, Ellie chose to wear flowers in her hair and then add the veil right before she walked down the aisle. I love when brides do this!! It saves a surprise for the groom and really makes the walk feel so bridal and special. It also meant that we got a whole different look with post-ceremony photos at the bridge. It was a blast to work with some dear friends and see several previous couples at the Simon wedding – including two couples that got married at this same church! It was a day full of emotion and joy!
