It’s been a big month for our tiny man! Lots of people have told us how much he is starting to look like a little boy and a toddler and I think it’s because he went through a massive growth spurt this month and really stretched out. Felix started crawling!! It’s more of a carpet […]

Felix | Nine Months

I’ve known Rachel and her sweet family for many years. In fact, her parents were my youth group leaders when I was in high school and their family did the videography for our wedding in 2015! Ben and Rachel are so joyful and intentional and their entire day was a stunning reflection of their personalities. […]

Ben + Rachel | Enchanting Summer Wedding at Eagle Eye

Our happy guy continues to get goofier and, despite not loving sleep or big people food, he is growing like crazy and we are so thankful! This month, Felix had his first fever and cold, attended his first wedding, went on his first bike ride, saw his first rainbow, swung on Grandma’s swing set for […]

Felix | Eight Months

My little sister, the tiny blue eyed baby who was born on my 6th birthday, just got married to her best friend, Preston. What a wonderful day it was! Everything came together so magically and perfectly. When Samantha asked me to be her Matron of Honor, I was humbled and excited but also a bit […]

Preston + Samantha | Timeless Garden Wedding

I’ve known Andrea for a long time and her family is so dear to my heart. Andrea’s sister Katie was a Brumwell Town Bride a few years ago and I’m thrilled that I get to capture another Ford girl wedding this summer!! (You can see Katie’s wedding blog here.) Despite the fact that there was […]

Nick + Andrea | Snowy Engagement Session

The baby is on the move! Despite the fact that he’s not crawling, he is definitely crossing into being mobile. Monthly photos are getting steadily trickier and more fun as he decides where he wants to “pose” and shows off his wide range of expressions, funny faces, and tricks. Felix can sit up now when […]

Felix | Seven Months

As we approach Mother’s Day, I have been loving these Mommy & Me sessions more and more. As I have shared multiple times, Natalie and I have been on this motherhood journey together for over a year as we have walked through our pregnancies and postpartum seasons. It has truly been such a blessing to […]

Natalie + Louis | Mommy & Me

From hiding under a bridge in Port Huron to capture the moment Silas asked Kailey to marry him, to their wedding at Adrian College and Christmas photos, taking pictures of Xavier’s brother and his wife has been a joy over the years. Traveling with them to Florida was a perfect opportunity to do an updated […]

Silas + Kailey | Florida Session

Xavier and I have enjoyed traveling on a budget for the whole of our marriage. From packing our two door car and driving over 1300 miles to camp on the red shores of Prince Edward Island, to hiking endless miles with Walmart boots in Colorado, and sleeping in the back of a minivan in Hawaii, […]

Felix in Florida

Oh my goodness… shooting my sister’s engagement photos was such a fabulous experience! We had planned for weeks to do a spring themed picnic and then we woke up to snow on the day of the shoot. Michigan spring can either be 70 degrees or snowy and of course it ended up being snowy. We […]

Preston + Samantha | Engagement Session