I’ve debated whether or not to share this story for a long time… two years in fact. Mostly I chose not to share it publicly because there was no happy ending and I didn’t want to talk negatively about the photography industry or this individual (also I bemoaned about it so much to my friends […]

The Florida Photoshoot Redemption

A friend recently handed me a book and told me she thought I should read it. The chapters include titles like ‘Life Is Uncontrollable’, ‘Life Is Wearisome’, ‘Life Is Unhappy’ and ‘Life Is Grievous’*. While it might sound like a bleak book, it is exactly the book I needed this February. Reading it has been […]

February is for Remembering and Grieving

After capturing my sister’s wedding last summer, you’d think that having a sibling get married wouldn’t be too emotional for me… but for whatever reason, watching William get married was so sentimental and sweet and emotionallllllllll. Maybe it was watching my little Felix strut up the aisle as the “ring bearer” and remembering Will at […]

A Joyful Family Celebration | Will + Erin’s Wedding at Rosemal Barn

To celebrate our new website, we are giving away a full 2023 wedding photography package!! This package includes seven hours of coverage, Xav and I as your photographers, printing rights, a fully edited gallery delivered within 30 days, and an engagement session and is valued at $3150.

Wedding Photography Package Giveaway

Month twelve was full of discovery for our little man. He discovered climbing on the couch, knocking over baby gates, and opening kitchen cupboards. He continues to want to figure out how things work. Birthday week was a whirlwind with a trip to the zoo and a party with family coming right before shooting a […]

Felix | Twelve Months

I knew my business would go through a transition phase when we decided to move and have a baby at the same time… I never expected that it would end up being one of our busiest photo seasons yet! Not only have we shot more weddings and family sessions than our original goal, but we […]

Business Announcement!

Someone asked me on Saturday what my favorite part is about being a mom. I keep thinking about it because I feel like I have so many answers! I love the bond we share with Felix, how he recognizes us with a sweet little grin or reaches for us when he needs comfort. I love […]

Felix | Ten Months

Our happy guy continues to get goofier and, despite not loving sleep or big people food, he is growing like crazy and we are so thankful! This month, Felix had his first fever and cold, attended his first wedding, went on his first bike ride, saw his first rainbow, swung on Grandma’s swing set for […]

Felix | Eight Months

My little sister, the tiny blue eyed baby who was born on my 6th birthday, just got married to her best friend, Preston. What a wonderful day it was! Everything came together so magically and perfectly. When Samantha asked me to be her Matron of Honor, I was humbled and excited but also a bit […]

Preston + Samantha | Timeless Garden Wedding

The baby is on the move! Despite the fact that he’s not crawling, he is definitely crossing into being mobile. Monthly photos are getting steadily trickier and more fun as he decides where he wants to “pose” and shows off his wide range of expressions, funny faces, and tricks. Felix can sit up now when […]

Felix | Seven Months