As we approach Mother’s Day, I have been loving these Mommy & Me sessions more and more. As I have shared multiple times, Natalie and I have been on this motherhood journey together for over a year as we have walked through our pregnancies and postpartum seasons. It has truly been such a blessing to […]

Natalie + Louis | Mommy & Me

Xavier and I have enjoyed traveling on a budget for the whole of our marriage. From packing our two door car and driving over 1300 miles to camp on the red shores of Prince Edward Island, to hiking endless miles with Walmart boots in Colorado, and sleeping in the back of a minivan in Hawaii, […]

Felix in Florida

When I started posting on Instagram eight years ago, I had no idea where it would go. The thought of having over 700 “friends” would have blown my mind. I was happy posting blurry photos of Hamburger Helper and my siblings and never worried if what I was posting was on brand. I didn’t waste […]

Goodbye Instagram

Half a year with our sweet boy! Ugh my heart can’t handle how fast this is going and how much I enjoy every day with our tiny. We got to have Felix meet some of his great grandparents this month and we continue to marvel at how relational Felix is with us. He loves to […]

Felix | Six Months

Each month with Felix continues to get somehow more and more fun! This sunshine, smiling, and now laughing boy fills our hearts to the brim. When we walk into the room and make eye-contact with him, his whole face lights up and he smiles with his whole body. This month, he has started loving books […]

Felix | Five Months

Four months to me feels like a huge chunk of time. Felix made a lot of developmental leaps this month and it has been such an immense joy to get to be a witness to it! He learned to roll from his back to his front and started playing with toys. He also shows interest […]

Felix | Four Months

This was the month of discovering Felix’s personality! More and more he becomes his own little person with likes and dislikes. He is hilarious and sweet and he loves to be with his mom and dad. Xav is Felix’s favorite person and it is so sweet to watch them play together. This month, we got […]

Felix | Three Months

And just like that Felix is two months old! He gained EPIC thighs this month, lost most of his dark hair, grew eyebrows (I think he has one Xav eyebrow and one Em eyebrow), and he started smiling when he recognizes someone. At Felix’s 6 week midwife appointment, he was 11lbs 4oz and he ran […]

Felix | Two Months

I need to take Felix’s two month photos here this upcoming weekend and I realized I never posted his one month photos! It is wild how much more alert Felix became in his first month! After learning to eat, he became a huge fan and quickly gained several pounds. As you can tell from my […]

Felix | One Month

If you know me, you know that this is going to be super long and wordy. I love photos, but I also love super detailed stories so here we go… It is still humorous to me that the last wordy post I made (about pregnancy insomnia of all things) was written the day before we […]

Felix Wilder | Birth Story