I am still working on typing out Felix’s birth story, but I’ve finished editing his newborn photos and I can’t handle how much I love them! Felix’s first week of life was spent mostly trying to figure out how to help him eat. He ended up having a lip and tongue tie that made nursing […]

Felix Wilder Newborn Photos

The pregnancy insomnia is real. All of my friends keep telling me that this is preparing me to be up all night with my baby, but I truly wouldn’t mind sleeping all night until he arrives! I meant to sit down and journal yesterday, but I got carried away with to do lists. Since I […]

Late Night Journaling

After our miscarriage in August of 2020, I wanted to get pregnant again so badly. It was the main thought that consumed me. I imagined that getting pregnant again would take away the horrible ache and pain I was feeling and I thought I wanted that pain gone more than anything. A few months passed […]

Day to Day, August to August

INTRODUCTION AND MY WHY Well helloooooo. It’s been a hot second (or a casual five months) since I’ve been around Instagram or any social media for that matter… it has honestly been a super needed break and I don’t know if or when I will rejoin the gram. A quick intro for those of you […]

Foster Care Awareness Month

My best of 2019 weddings posts got interrupted by very real 2020 craziness. We’ve been home for almost three months in an attempt to be cautious with our little foster girly. Three weeks before three months ago (so a freaking long time ago according to math), Xav and I were desperate for an out of […]

Quarantined Marriage Dates

You can tell from their photos that Logan and Kim absolutely love being together and that they were so giddy to get married!! Even with cloudy skies and a few little road-bumps, Kim’s face was radiating with happiness as she walked down the aisle. Nothing could take away her smile! It was precious to see […]

Logan + Kimberly | Cherry Barc Farm

After five weeks of living in the desert, I am excited to be home in Michigan! Xavier’s internship started in Albuquerque around the middle of May and, after I wrapped up the first part of my wedding season, I was able to fly out and join him at the end of June. We’ve traveled a […]

Living in New Mexico | Recap

Three years ago, I blogged about some of our favorite and cheap date nights. Living out of an Airbnb for the past several weeks has changed our date routine quite a bit. Besides hiking and the zoo, here are our current favorite things to do for date night. 1. Ice cream. It probably doesn’t need […]

Fave Dates with Xav

As we await winter placements, putting together our nursery has been a work in progress. We have been so blessed by people who have offered resources, given generous and thoughtful gifts, and even searched out and delivered a dresser to us! I thought it would be fun to show a little preview of everything all […]

Nursery Tour

Mother’s Day family photos are one of our oldest traditions. This year, however, we waited a few weeks and opted for photos on my mom’s birthday so that we could have photos with all six of her children together! As we have gotten older, it has been harder to get the whole group together but […]

Family Photos | with Bloopers and Outtakes