In the last month, Felix has gone from 4 to 8 teeth, from crawling to standing up, and from being a baby to thinking he is a big boy. This boy doesn’t have time for monthly photos anymore… he has places to go! I feel like he is changing so fast I can almost see […]

Felix | Eleven Months

Ben and Megan have been such dear “clients turned friends” over the years. From their engagement to their wedding, maternity, and Christmas sessions to this amazing family shoot the other night in perfect glowing evening light, I can’t explain how thankful I am for these people! Everything about this session was filled with sweetness and […]

DeMass Family | Adventure Session

Someone asked me on Saturday what my favorite part is about being a mom. I keep thinking about it because I feel like I have so many answers! I love the bond we share with Felix, how he recognizes us with a sweet little grin or reaches for us when he needs comfort. I love […]

Felix | Ten Months

family photo at Kensington Park

When we met the Rodriguez’s, Xav and Kyle quickly discovered that they shared a love of complicated board games. Ashley and I bonded over Jane Austen and thrifting and our boys both agreed that sleeping during game night was not about to happen! I’m so thankful for the way Kyle and Ashley have become our […]

Rodriguez Family | Wildflower Adventure Session

family photos in brighton mi

When I started photographing families in Lansing, MI over a decade ago, I would drive around and scout locations all the time. I’d wander around a field or a park and check out the places that I would want to use. As I photographed more and more families, I started to find my favorite locations […]

Ezikian Family | Lakeside Adventure Session | Brighton

It’s been a big month for our tiny man! Lots of people have told us how much he is starting to look like a little boy and a toddler and I think it’s because he went through a massive growth spurt this month and really stretched out. Felix started crawling!! It’s more of a carpet […]

Felix | Nine Months

Our happy guy continues to get goofier and, despite not loving sleep or big people food, he is growing like crazy and we are so thankful! This month, Felix had his first fever and cold, attended his first wedding, went on his first bike ride, saw his first rainbow, swung on Grandma’s swing set for […]

Felix | Eight Months

The baby is on the move! Despite the fact that he’s not crawling, he is definitely crossing into being mobile. Monthly photos are getting steadily trickier and more fun as he decides where he wants to “pose” and shows off his wide range of expressions, funny faces, and tricks. Felix can sit up now when […]

Felix | Seven Months

From hiding under a bridge in Port Huron to capture the moment Silas asked Kailey to marry him, to their wedding at Adrian College and Christmas photos, taking pictures of Xavier’s brother and his wife has been a joy over the years. Traveling with them to Florida was a perfect opportunity to do an updated […]

Silas + Kailey | Florida Session

Max and Taylor have been clients for several years and when Taylor asked me to come do an in-home session to celebrate their happy news, I was beyond thrilled! In-home sessions are super relaxed and it was such a blast to hang out with them and meet their cats. Xander was eager to show me […]

Barton Family | In-home Session