After our miscarriage in August of 2020, I wanted to get pregnant again so badly. It was the main thought that consumed me. I imagined that getting pregnant again would take away the horrible ache and pain I was feeling and I thought I wanted that pain gone more than anything. A few months passed […]

Day to Day, August to August

INTRODUCTION AND MY WHY Well helloooooo. It’s been a hot second (or a casual five months) since I’ve been around Instagram or any social media for that matter… it has honestly been a super needed break and I don’t know if or when I will rejoin the gram. A quick intro for those of you […]

Foster Care Awareness Month

As we await winter placements, putting together our nursery has been a work in progress. We have been so blessed by people who have offered resources, given generous and thoughtful gifts, and even searched out and delivered a dresser to us! I thought it would be fun to show a little preview of everything all […]

Nursery Tour

As May (and national foster care awareness month) come to a close, I wanted to wrap up this little series on “it takes a village” with 10 practical ways to be a village to your local foster families. 1. Jump in!I know I often have the tendency to think, “If they need help, they will […]

10 Ways to be a Village

Read part one here or part two here… In January, we attended the CROSS conference and were awakened to concepts and ideas that changed our framework of thinking even more. The theme of the conference was, “Consider your whole life.” They pressed the issue over and over that we only have one life and that […]

It Takes a Village – Part 3

I hadn’t talked about adoption in T H R E E years… Xav’s sudden proclamation took me by surprise. I was shocked! The Holy Spirit had been changing his heart and I had nothing to do with it. As soon as we got home, we began talking about adoption quite a bit and started researching […]

It Takes a Village – Part 2

May is national foster care awareness month… and honestly, this is the first year I have ever noticed the foster care village. Of course, I’ve known a few families who have fostered over the years, but my overall awareness of everything related to foster care has been very minimal up until a few months ago. […]

It Takes a Village – Part 1

There is a lot of change happening in Brumwell Town these days! I haven’t shared any of it yet because it has all been so up in the air, but this week three major life updates started to fall into place! It is so weird to me that they all happened in the same week… […]

Time for an Update