And just like that Felix is two months old! He gained EPIC thighs this month, lost most of his dark hair, grew eyebrows (I think he has one Xav eyebrow and one Em eyebrow), and he started smiling when he recognizes someone. At Felix’s 6 week midwife appointment, he was 11lbs 4oz and he ran […]

Felix | Two Months

I am still working on typing out Felix’s birth story, but I’ve finished editing his newborn photos and I can’t handle how much I love them! Felix’s first week of life was spent mostly trying to figure out how to help him eat. He ended up having a lip and tongue tie that made nursing […]

Felix Wilder Newborn Photos

After our miscarriage in August of 2020, I wanted to get pregnant again so badly. It was the main thought that consumed me. I imagined that getting pregnant again would take away the horrible ache and pain I was feeling and I thought I wanted that pain gone more than anything. A few months passed […]

Day to Day, August to August

Three years ago, I blogged about some of our favorite and cheap date nights. Living out of an Airbnb for the past several weeks has changed our date routine quite a bit. Besides hiking and the zoo, here are our current favorite things to do for date night. 1. Ice cream. It probably doesn’t need […]

Fave Dates with Xav

After almost a year of marriage, I’ve spent some time lately thinking about our relationship and thanking God for sustaining us. So many deep hurts, harsh words, jealous thoughts and lengthy arguments were avoided this year because of God’s grace in both of our lives, but especially in Xavier’s tender heart. I was going to […]

Do Opposites Attract?

Things I have learned from marriage (by Xavier) Cooking requires skill and thought For the first week after we got back from our honeymoon I made most of the food aside from our daily ice cream. I thought things were going swimmingly well for the most part. We had tuna sandwiches, shredded chicken breasts with barbecue […]

Monday Mutiny: The Takeover 1.0

I met Xavier four years ago this month. We started dating 11 months later and I think I’ve experienced all of his semester finals except the very first one. As he was studying and wrapping up this final batch of classes, I caught myself thinking about how each semester has brought changes and growth in […]

Someone Like You

Gosh darn it, sometimes I wish I could know the future. Planning is often my safety net and a checklist is my daily copilot. I love the heck out of notepads, sticky notes, push pins and magnets because they can hold my numerous lists. I always have a tiny notebook and at least three pens […]

The Waiting Game

As college students who have piles of homework not a lot of spare time or money to spend on entertainment, we love cheap and random date ideas. Going to the movies isn’t really our thing (unless it’s one that we have been looking forward to for a long time) and eating at a restaurant doesn’t fit into the […]

Nearly Free Entertainment

We love dates. In fact, we started calling them “adventures” when we were dating based on the characters in Disney’s UP (we even had an adventure book). But to be honest, we aren’t the most adventurous people. Don’t get me wrong, we have many many quirky things we like to do and places we like to […]

Living on the Edge