There are times when being total and complete goofballs is inappropriate for the situation and we have to act like adults (i.e. when there is no food in the house or schoolwork is due)… but for the other times… full on silly mode is fully engaged in Brumwell Town. We joke that it is a […]

Oh Darling, Never Grow Up

As of today, it has been six months since the wedding and that blows me away. Half of a year! Xavier surprised me with a trip to Target to pick out a watch as a 6 month anniversary gift and I thought it was a very timely gift (hahahhaha I couldn’t help myself… thanks a lot […]

The Professor and the Clown

A few days ago I realized that my mini journal (aka Instagram) had been rather neglected as of late. For me, four weeks is kind of a long time since I love to document life and look back on what we’ve been doing but I just haven’t had anything personal that I’ve wanted to share. […]

Look around and Love

Have you ever had an experience that leaves you feeling overwhelmed by love and friendship? I was reminded (yet again!) how extremely thankful I am to have been a part of our wedding day. I know that sounds weird… I mean, of course Xavier and I were a part of our wedding day since it […]

Featured Wedding

I figured it was about time to post the rest of our honeymoon adventures so that we don’t forget too much about it or have just part one existing forever alone (to read part one click here). We mostly hung out around Crystal Lake and Frankfort during our week up north, but we also took two […]

Our Honeymoon Part 2

In a one bedroom apartment On the humble side of town There stands a little Christmas tree Looks a lot like Charlie Brown’s And underneath there’s one little gift for him And one little gift for her After six months on the new job They’re still barely getting by So in the way of decorations […]

Our First Christmas

Christmas is starting to come to Brumwell Town and despite the lack of snow (and the lack of a front door, porch, stair rail and fireplace) we are trying to decorate as best as we can on a budget. We are also attempting to dwell on things we have to be thankful for. I love the […]

A Very Brumwell Christmas

I know this is true about me and I am guessing it is true about many others too based on common conversations that I have. As life events come and go, people want to know about them. I’ve caught myself laughing as I’ve asked newly engaged friends how the wedding planning is going because I remember answering that […]

How’s Married Life?

Marrying Xavier, surrounded by God, friends, family and gorgeous summer light was such a joy-filled experience and something I hope I will always remember in such a clear way. I hadn’t had much time to think about the honeymoon beforehand so the only thing I had anticipated about it was that there would be tears as we left […]

Our Honeymoon Part 1

As our wedding day drifts further into the past, I am starting to realize the importance of small things. It’s crazy that we’ve been married for 89 days. It sounds like so many days… and yet, those days have been strung together into weeks and those weeks into months of work and school and a million other […]

Brumwell Town. Founded 8.22.15